Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Karli Family {Austin Family Photographer}

It was time for the Karli family to have some new family pictures! However.. the weather did not want to cooperate at all. So April and I spent the entire day calling each other and obsessing over! We laughed at one point as we were both standing outside our houses seeing how muddy it was, if rain was dripping on our head from the trees, how the humidity was... and I wish I had that conversation recorded! Anyway, we decided to take an adventure down to Mayfield Park and I'm SO glad we did because that place is beautiful!! Thanks Karli family for being such model-posing rock stars :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Holmes {Austin Senior Photographer}

Destiny. No other word can describe the friendship between me and Alex. With my last name being Watson and hers, Holmes - the universe brought us together all those years back in 7th grade. Now here she is graduating from the University of Texas and going on to an AMAZING Law school... yet to be decided... I'm supportive either way. ;) We both worked our butts off for these pictures and hiked from one end of UT campus to the other, but all the hard work paid off! Anyway, as Alex (and Michael) often mock the cheesiness of my "client paragraphs" I will wrap this one up short, here is your sneak preview! Alex, you are an amazing model!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Miss Joi from Kansas! {Austin Senior Photographer}

It's so crazy to be taking my high school friends college graduation pictures, but that's exactly what's happening, so I might as well embrace it! I spent 7th-12th grade with the lovely Joi and she is now graduating from Wichita State University! I couldn't believe how grown up she looked when I met her at the capitol to take her pictures! The great thing about this photo shoot was that my job was incredibly easy, as Joi is a complete model, and destined to be so. Anyway, here's your sneak preview of your pictures Joi, enjoy!